Pure Water Is Crucial
Pure Water Is Crucial To A Child‘s Development

Other than just being smaller‚ children‘s bodies are really quite different than that of an adult.
Because many of the crucial defense systems that help protect adults from disease are not fully developed in children‚ they are much more sensitive to carcinogens‚ lead and water-borne parasites than adults. Just as medications and other chemical compounds effect children differently than they do adults‚ so do contaminants in our air‚ drinking water and foods.
Water is the body‘s only way to flush out these toxins and the purer the water is to start with... the higher its capacity is to collect and cleanse these harmful compounds from the body. Pure water helps a child‘s defenses grow stronger and perform better; giving them the protection they need during those fragile developing years.
A child‘s immune and detoxification systems are still developing into and throughout their early teens. Exposure to trace levels of chlorine, toxic chemicals & lead in drinking water during childhood years has been linked to increased risks of disease and learning disorders in later years.
A recent Baltimore study showed that children with higher blood-lead levels have a significantly higher rate of problem behaviors than children with low blood-lead levels. "This study lends support to the belief that undue exposure to lead in childhood years may have a pervasive influence on the prevalence of juvenile delinquency in this country."
A mixture of chemicals such as chlorine‚ lead‚ herbicides‚ pesticides and a host of other contaminants are commonly found in our water supplies‚ and in many bottled waters. These trace levels of water borne chemicals have been documented to have adverse health effects on humans‚ and especially on small children.
Unfortunately the health standards that determine how much and what levels of these toxins are permitted in our drinking water are all based on the potential effects on adults. These "Maximum Contaminant Levels" (MCLs) are also based on the false assumption that we are only exposed to one chemical at a time. We commonly find traces of several dozen different toxic chemicals in tap water.
A recent report by the Environmental Working Group‚ called "Into The Mouths Of Babes"‚ found that of 29 Mid Western cities tested all had at least one agricultural chemical present and that most had 5 or more in a single glass of tap water!
The report also points out that 45‚000 mothers in these 29 cities were unknowingly making infant formula with tap water containing three or more toxic chemicals.
Often there are out breaks of chlorine resistant parasites like Cryptosporidium and Giardia in city water supplies‚ as was the case recently in Milwaukee WI‚ when over 100 people died and 400‚000 became sick in less than a month‚ mostly children and the elderly‚ when the water system became contaminated with Cryptosporidium. This intestinal parasite causes flu like symptoms‚ but can be fatal to small children and older adults... and is not controlled by chlorine.
Childhood Asthma‚ Cancer‚ Leukemia and immune disorders have all risen in the last decade. Many experts and studies suggest that this is partially due to children‘s increased exposure to environmental toxins and their decreased ability to detox. Water plays a major role in a child‘s exposure to toxins and in their body‘s ability to get rid of them.
A child consumes 3 times as much water per pound of body weight than an adult does‚ so they get a bigger dose of the chemicals in their water‚ and they‘re developing bodies are simply much more sensitive to the harsh effects...
An increased intake of clean healthy water is one of the easiest and best ways to help promote good health for our children.
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Vita Genesis, Inc. prides itself on providing you with quality and excellence.
Our waters are among the purest you will ever find.
We provide you with water, as it should be: colorless, odorless, crystal clear, and no flavor.
When you try our waters, you will find a very clean and refreshing taste unlike any you have ever experienced before. There are no added minerals, chemicals, or other ingredients.
It's Your Life..Drink Deep!
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