More excerpts from the Water Puzzle
Today we have excerpts from 3 more chapters of the book "The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key" by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon.
Chapter 4 Water Structure at Interfaces
“…we have found that the water immediately surrounding normal protein forms a greater percentage of hexagonal structures. We have also found that the water surrounding abnormal (cancer-causing) proteins has a significantly decreased number of hexagonal structures and an increased number of pentagonal structures.”
“…the water surrounding normal DNA is highly structured, and much less mobile than the water around abnormal DNA. This tightly-held and highly structured water which surrounds normal DNA acts to stabilize the helical structure of the DNA.”
Chapter 5 Hexagonal Water and Human Health
“…At the cellular level, aging causes a shift in the ratio of water inside vs. outside the cell. The volume of water inside the cell is reduced and cells “wither” just like the skin on the outside of the body.”
“…the metabolic rate has been correlated with the amount of cell water turnover in the body and both have been linked with health and aging. When seen from this perspective, cell water turnover becomes an important marker for overall health and longevity.”
“Aging is a loss of Hexagonal Water from organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water. Since aging is associated with the loss of Hexagonal Water from the body, it has been suggested that consuming Hexagonal Water results in a general slowing of the aging process. Several studies support this premise.”
“When considering the differences between pentagonal and Hexagonal Water, Hexagonal Water is the preferred choice. It is energetically more powerful! Hexagonal Water improves cell water turnover and supports metabolic efficiency.”
“In the human body, structured and disordered water exist at the same time and we have shown that the body’s survival rate decreases as the amount of disordered water accumulates. …Once again, an important key to health is the amount of hexagonally-structured water we have in our bodies.”
“… the water environment of both cancerous and diabetic cells is less structured and the surrounding water is able to move more freely than the water around normal cells. Accordingly, both cancer and diabetes have a common feature – the destruction of water structure at the cellular level.”
“In our experience, we have found that when individuals consume Hexagonal Water, the cellular water environment improves, contributing to increased health.”
Chapter 6 Drinking Hexagonal Water
“Even though the source of the water we drink is important, the structure of that water is the key. The best water for human consumption is Hexagonal Water. This water is characterized by a small cluster size (verified using NMR technology) which penetrates the cells much faster (verified with Bio Impedance testing), supplying nutrients and oxygen more efficiently than unstructured water.”
“Even our scientists, biologists and doctors have studied everything in water, without considering that the water itself and the structure of the water may be playing an equally, important role. Going forward, we have the opportunity to look at the whole picture and come to a more complete understanding of the relationship between water and life.”
Everyone serious about the type of water they are drinking or about promoting Aqua Di Vita Order should consider this book a "must have" in as part of their library and as a marketing resource.
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