Your Bodies Many Cries for Water
Did You Know....
1. Water is found throughout the body, both inside and outside the cells.
2. Water is the key to all body functions.
3. Our blood contains 90% water.
4. Nourishment for body cells and waste products that are formed in
connection with metabolism are transported with water.
5. Water must be so pure that the organism's various cells are not damaged.
6. Under normal conditions, a person needs 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day.
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj discovered through research that most so-called illnesses are actually symptoms of dehydration in the body. Once corrected, symptoms disappear.
Every day we lose at least two quarts (8 oz glasses) of water and some salt (which is necessary for maintaining acid and alkaline balance) via urine, respiration, and perspiration. Instead of replacing lost water by drinking more water, many people drink caffeinated beverages. Caffeine found in soda pop and in coffee acts as a diuretic that forces more water from the body than is contained in the caffeinated beverage itself.
During dehydration, the body produces more histamine. Histamine is a neurotransmitter involved in water rationing. It also regulates the thirst mechanism.By ignoring our body's thirst signals, we are preventing ourselves from using what is perhaps the simplest cure of all - WATER - in the alleviation of pain claims Dr Batmanghelidj in his book, Your Body's Many Cries For Water.

"Humans seem to lose their thirst sensation and, failing to recognise their water needs, they become gradually and chronically dehydrated as they get older." writes Dr Batmanghelidj. Contrary to popular belief, he claims that a dry mouth is the last signal of thirst and that the body can suffer from dehydration even when the mouth may be fairly moist.
WE SHOULD BEGIN TO REALISE that in the same way, we have a "hunger pain" signal, we also have a "thirst pain" signal in the body, writes Dr Batmanghelidj. He believes that whatever their illness, people should first try the water cure before turning to drug treatment.
Dr Batmanghelidj's theory is based on the principle that we misinterpret thirst signals as pain and treat them with drugs which silence instead of cure the problem. "Because dehydration eventually causes loss of some functions, the various signals given by the water distribution system regulators during severe and lasting dehydration have been translated as indicators of unknown disease conditions of the body." he writes.
The human body is composed of 25% solid matter (the solute) and 75% water (the solvent) and, according to Dr Batmanghelidj, medical researchers have assumed that the solute composition is the reactive regulator of all fuctions of the human body. He believes that it is wrong to assume that water acts only as a solvent and never as a regulator of different parts of the body.
In his book, Dr Batmanghelidj puts forward his theory of regional thirst that is the signal of chronic water shortage in the area where pain is registered. For example, the pain of rheumatoid arthritis as an indicator of water deficiency in the affected joint cartilage surface.
If the initial pain of the arthritis is taken seriously and strict attention is paid to daily water intake. Dr Batmanghalidj suggests that further damage to the joint surfaces can be avoided. Likewise, the author believes that stress-related conditions such as ulcers, migraine and high blood pressure can be avoided if the body has sufficient water intake.
For more on the research of water by Dr. Batmanghelidj and his book, "Your Bodies Many Cries for Water", visit the Hydration 101 page on the Vita Genesis, Inc. Website.
Excerpt provided by Terry Rhoades, Vita Genesis Independent Executive Founder and Leadership Council Member.
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