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Monday, November 01, 2004

Chicken Soup!

Drink Up!

As everyone has heard, one of the keys to battling colds and flu is to drink plenty of fluids. Get rid of your cold or flu virus by drinking lots of fluids, especially water. Normally, about six to eight cups of water, juice, or soup a day is enough to meet your hydration needs-- but keep in mind you can easily lose a quart or even more of fluid a day when you're sick with the flu or a bad cold.

Try to double your fluids. Do not drink any alchohol, coffee, or soft drinks, all of which cause dehydration and will deplete your body of much needed immune boosting nutrients.

How about a Chicken Soup remedy like your mother or grandmother used to make?

There are accounts of Chicken Soup as a cold and flu remedy as far back as 800 years ago, when the court physician to Saladin, the Caliph of Egypt, first recommended he drink chicken soup. Throughout time, it has proven to be effective against cold and flu. Researchers have found that chicken soup itself seems to increase the flow of mucus. When the mucus, which normally lines your throat, is moist it can trap and pass the viruses down to the stomach, where your own powerful digestive acids can help destroy them. Whether it's the aroma or the soup itself, they have found that drinking chicken soup also helps make your nose run. This can also decrease the amount of time cold and flu viruses can spend inside your body.

Irwin Ziment, M.D., a specialist and professor at the UCLA School for Medicine, says chicken soup contains drug-like agents similar to those in modern cold medicines. For example, an amino acid released from chicken during cooking chemically resembles the drug acetylcysteine, prescribed for bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

Tip: Add foods with natural anti-viral and antibiotic properties to your diet when you are sick. Two of these, onion and garlic, are perfect to add to your Chicken Soup.

GARLIC -- Laboratory studies have shown that garlic actually helps protect from flu viruses while boosting production of immune system antibodies. Preliminary studies showed that people who ate garlic for three weeks had enhanced immune system activity.

Vitality Home-Made Chicken Soup

Cut up 2-3 chicken breasts into small pieces.
Plac chicken in a large glass or ceramic pot*.
Add 3 quarts of Aqua Di Vita Vitality water.
Black Pepper (to taste)
Sea Salt (to taste)
10 cloves of fresh diced or pressed garlic
1 yellow onion, chopped
3 carrots, peeled and cut into slices
1-2 Bay Leaves
1 bell pepper
4 stalks of celery, chopped
Boil on medium heat until chicken is done, (approx. 1-1/2 hours)
Remove fat from the surface as it accumulates.
After the chicken is done, add a package of your favorite type of
noodle (if desired). Cook 10 to 15 minutes more or until noodles are done.

* When using Aqua Di Vita Water to cook or make tea, always use a non-metal pot and cooking utensils. We recommend this anyway, due to concerns regarding Teflon or other coatings used in the manufacturing of some cookware

For more information on Aqua Di Vita Water visit www.vitagenesis.com


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