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Friday, October 22, 2004

The Water Puzzle

From Institute of Heartmath Research Center

Water is the universal medium for all biological activity. Nearly two-thirds of the human body and one-half of each of our organs, by volume, consists of water. This amounts to approximately 10 gallons of water, largely enclosed within trillions of cells. Increasing evidence indicates that the water within living cells is highly structured, arranged in various intermolecular conformations held together by extensive hydrogen bonding networks, giving it quite different properties and behavior from bulk water. It appears, further, that the structuring of cellular water is critical to the healthy chemical functioning of the cell.

Increased knowledge of the mechanisms underlying electromagnetic and subtle information storage, amplification and transduction by water may open the doorway to comprehending how these processes operate in the water within us. This could aid in building a solid model to explain the effects of weak electromagnetic and subtle energies on living organisms, and, possibly, significantly expand our understanding of the function of water in biological systems. Studies designed to advance our understanding of water's role as a bridge between the worlds of energy and matter will provide a crucial link between the realms of science and spiritual phenomena, bear profound implications for the betterment of human and environmental health, and may well help lay the foundations for a newly emerging scientific paradigm.

Research by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon:

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, President of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, and the Honorary Chair-Professor of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and a world authority in water research, firmly believes that water dominates life. He is the originator of the hexagonal water theory and has been actively disclosing its relationship with cancers and aging mechanism as well as possible healing effects.

Professor Jhon says that here are three different shapes of water. One is hexagonal hook-shaped, another is pentagonal hook-shaped and still another hexagonal chain-shaped.

In other words, water molecules exist not separately, but as a cluster of molecules of the same shape. The hexagonal water in liquid condition constantly transforms.

Professor Jhon has found through experiments as well as molecular simulations that there are three kinds of water as above and that the more closely water is combined with biomeolecules, the more hexagonal shape molecules the water contains. All these shows us that our bodies prefer hexagonal water.

Dr Jhon has also found through experiments on cancer and diabetic patients that the water molecules near their abnormal cells is disorderly and highly mutable than that near the normal cells. On the basis of such experiments, he reported that “structured water in cells play the role in maintaining normal condition of the cells and if, for some reason, the structure of water is damaged, cancer or diabetes arises.”

Through his recent research, Professor Jhon confirmed that there are more hexagonal water around the normal protein than around cancerous protein. He insists that it is not absurd attempt at all to explore possibilities of normalizing the cancerous or diabetic cells by improving water environment of cells. Professor Jhon advises us to increase drinking of hexagonal water, and if given a choice, should be the only water you drink!

Visit the Vita Genesis Hydration 101 Link for more information on the Water Puzzle.

Drink Aqua DiVita - Hexagonal Structured Water - Click for More Information


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