Proper Hydration
How Essential is Proper Hydration to Your Health?
Everywhere you look you see ads or information about the benefits of
the proper hydration.
How much water should you drink every day?
A general guideline is to drink at least half your body weight in ounces. For example a 120 lb. woman would drink 60 ounces a day. The average person’s body is about 70 percent water. As you age this decreases, especially among the elderly who are often known for not liking to drink water. The fact is we all require constant hydration throughout the day to help maintain optimal health and energy. By drinking water throughout the day, your help maintain levels of hydration needed to optimize your physiological function.

What are the benefits of proper Hydration?
Here are just a few you can experience...
-increased energy
-weight loss
-mental clarity and alertness
-healthier skin and nails
-healthier hair
-healthier and stronger joints
-stronger immune system
-faster recovery from illness or surgery
-faster recovery from workouts or physical activity
-reduced hypertension and
-lower cholesterol
-slowing the aging process (water is often viewed as the true Fountain of Youth!)

As you can see the health benefits from proper hydration are extensive. On the other hand dehydration can have a serious negative impact on your health. Dehydration often goes unnoticed and untreated.
Here are a few signs of dehydration:
-Fatigue and weakness
-Dry mucous membranes in nose, mouth, or throat
-Nosebleeds (especially in dry interior air during winter)
-Dark, concentrated, strong-smelling urine in small quantities
-Irritability or unusual irrational behavior
-Weak, irregular pulse
-Low blood pressure
-Shallow, rapid breathing
-Constipation or cramps
Do not take dehydration lightly. Signs of dehydration should be addressed quickly to prevent further serious medical consequences. Older people and women are often at greater risk for dehydration because they have less muscle mass and lower body water content than men.

Often people believe that drinking soft drinks, coffee, or ther drinks which have water in them are adequate for to rehydrate. These drinks containing materials or other dissolved solids and many are diuretics, which may dehydrate the body.
"Just water?"

Tap Water
Even water like tap water or many bottled waters contain a large amount of dissolved solids. This is why it is important to drink the proper kind of water. Ordinary water does not have the same ability to exchange cellular fluids with the same efficiency as pure water. The next time you are in a restaurant and tell the server you want "just water", think about what you might be putting in your body.

Hexagonal Shaped Water
Lisa Johnson, CEO and President said “If you really wanted to clean your body and be healthy, why would you put anything but the purest water you could find into it?. Aqua Di Vita is the solution to proper hydration."
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Read more about Proper Hydration Here
Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA and are provided for informational purposes and are not intended for diagnosing, treatment, cure, or prevention any disease
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