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Monday, November 29, 2004

Dr. Batmanghelidj - Passed Away

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., Internationally Renowned Physician and Advocator of the Natural Healing Power of Water passed away on November 15th.

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., an internationally renowned researcher, author and advocator of natural medicine died on November 15 at Fairfax Hospital. He was 73. The cause was complications from Pneumonia.

Born in Iran, Dr. Batmanghelidj attended Fettes College in Scotland, and was a graduate of St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University, where he had studied under Sir Alexander Fleming.

He practiced medicine in The United Kingdom before returning to Iran where he was instrumental in the development of hospitals and medical centers. He also established a number of sport projects for the advancement of youth in the country, including the construction and management of the first ice skating and sports complex in the Middle East.

After the Iranian Revolution in 1979 Dr. Batmanghelidj was placed in the infamous Evin Prison as a political prisoner for two years and seven months. With limited access to conventional medication, he discovered the healing powers of water while treating more than 3,000 fellow prisoners who suffered from peptic ulcer. He considered this environment as an “ideal stress laboratory” and began extensive research into the medicinal effects of water. Dr. Batmanghelidj discovered that a careful regimen of water drinking could prevent, relieve and can even cure many painful degenerative diseases that are today treated with drugs.

After his release from prison in 1982, and a harrowing escape over the mountains into Turkey, Dr. Batmanghelidj came to America. At the University of Pennsylvania, he immediately continued his research into the role of water metabolism in the human body, and the damaging effects of dehydration on human health. He published and lectured extensively, and presented scientific papers at US and International conferences. He spent the last 20 years researching the natural healing power of water and contribution of unintentional dehydration as cause of many degenerative diseases.

He created the Foundation for the Simple in Medicine, and Global Health Solutions publishing to promote public awareness of the health values of water. His message to the world is “You are not sick, you are thirsty; don’t treat thirst with medication.” His ground breaking book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, has been translated into fifteen languages and has sold over a million copies.

He has numerous other books, educational material and scholarly publications to his credit. His work has created an international community that embraced him simply as Dr. B.

Read more about Dr. B's book in the Vita Genesis Hydration101 Lesson - Click Here

Friday, November 19, 2004

Aqua Di Vita for Your Dog (and other Pets)?

Aqua Di Vita for Your Dog (and other Pets)?

All living beings need water. Without it, they will quickly become
dehydrated and sick.

Dogs should have at least 2 bowls filled with fresh water everyday.
One should be in the house and the other should be outside.

Keep the water clean, cool and fresh. If the water gets dirty or
warm during the day, change it.


Hot Days:
1. Change your dog's water often in warm weather.
The water will taste better, and it will also keep your dog's body cooler.
2. Keep your dog's water dish in the shade.

In the Winter:
1. If you leave water outside for your dog, make sure that it does not
become frozen. Your dog needs regular, cool water to drink, not ice.
2. If you are not able to change your dog's water, you might want to
buy a special heated dog dish.

At the Lake:
1. If you and your dog are swimming, still bring drinking water along, because it is not healthy for your dog to drink lake water. If you are at the ocean it is not healthy for them to drink saltwater.

Aqua Di Vita is safe for your pets. Mix 1 oz. to a gallon of distilled
water like you normally would for yourself, and give it to them just
like any other water.

We recommend Aqua Di Vita Vitality Water for your pets.

Everyone wants and deserves to drink the freshest, purest water
around...don't leave out Man's (and Woman's) Best Friends...our Dogs!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Personal Development and Growth

Personal development is very important to growth in Network Marketing.

- Develop your skills by learning from those who are successful and leaders.

- Develop your mind by reading both motivational and business related topics.

The Internet is an unlimited source of both. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your personal development and you can start seeing advances in your business development as a result. You still need to watch for one big pitfall or trap. Don't become a dreamer without action. All the motivational materials, quotes or business you read will not help you one bit if you don't apply it.

Read It, Do It, Live It.

Here are a few quotes I read on another forum to share and think about today:


"Vision is not enough; it must be combined with venture. It is
not enough to stare up the steps; we must step up the stairs." - Vaclav Havel


Challenge your excuses." - John Maxwell

This may sound easy but it's not. When you realize you are making an excuse, stop and challenge it. Don't listen to the excuses, especially when they are based on fears.

A definition of FEAR is

F alse
E vidence
A ppearing
R eal


"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." -Napoleon Hill

There is no "right time". Life happens. Stop focusing on yesterday and tomorrow and get to work today.


"The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice." -Mary Ann Evans

Your are not trapped by your circumstances, you are a product of the choices you make within the circumstances.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Are Your Kids Drinking Enough Water?

Are Your Kids Drinking Enough Water?

Studies show that 70% of pre-school children drink no water at all during the day.

This startling fact is all the more troubling when you consider that children are more susceptible to dehydration than adults. The bodies of growing children produce more heat than adults do, and they have a harder time coping with hot weather and humidity.

An active, 50 pound child needs about a quart each day to stay hydrated. And during exercise, an additional five ounces of water is required every 30 minutes.

When it comes to children, not all beverages are created equal. A national survey conducted by Cornell Medical Center found that children that drank more than 12 fluid ounces of sweetened fruit juices a day are prone to obesity and reduced growth.

Vita Genesis Aqua Di Vita Waters are safe for children of all ages. Four to five glasses a day of our Energy Formula is recommended. Health and Medical experts often recommend exposing children to pure water early in their development-- especially before they aquire a taste for "sweet" beverages. Aqua Di Vita Waters are the perfect choice.

Fill up an Aqua Di Vita water bottle and give it to them each day. They will enjoy it and get hydrated at the same time!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Are Aqua Di Vita Waters Affordable?


Bottled water is a 8 billion dollar Industry! Needless to say, the competition is tough - however, Aqua Di Vita can't be beat! We did a price comparison market analysis and here is how we stack up against the leading waters*:

Propel® $8.72

Elements® $9.68

Perrier® $11.52

Evian® $11.50

Dasani® $7.92

Aqua Fina® $7.12

Aqua Di Vita $4.65

*average cost per gallon.

We even offer 2 oz. sample bottles (makes 2 gallons) so you can try
the water and see how it makes you feel. Visit


for more details.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Powerful Intentions

Online communities are "hot" ways to develop relationships online.

A couple weeks ago we shared


and this week want to let everyone know about another brand new site that just launched.

www.powerfulintentions.com Main Site

Visit, sign up (FREE), and incorporate these kinds of sites
in your daily networking and business building.

- Jeff

Monday, November 01, 2004

Chicken Soup!

Drink Up!

As everyone has heard, one of the keys to battling colds and flu is to drink plenty of fluids. Get rid of your cold or flu virus by drinking lots of fluids, especially water. Normally, about six to eight cups of water, juice, or soup a day is enough to meet your hydration needs-- but keep in mind you can easily lose a quart or even more of fluid a day when you're sick with the flu or a bad cold.

Try to double your fluids. Do not drink any alchohol, coffee, or soft drinks, all of which cause dehydration and will deplete your body of much needed immune boosting nutrients.

How about a Chicken Soup remedy like your mother or grandmother used to make?

There are accounts of Chicken Soup as a cold and flu remedy as far back as 800 years ago, when the court physician to Saladin, the Caliph of Egypt, first recommended he drink chicken soup. Throughout time, it has proven to be effective against cold and flu. Researchers have found that chicken soup itself seems to increase the flow of mucus. When the mucus, which normally lines your throat, is moist it can trap and pass the viruses down to the stomach, where your own powerful digestive acids can help destroy them. Whether it's the aroma or the soup itself, they have found that drinking chicken soup also helps make your nose run. This can also decrease the amount of time cold and flu viruses can spend inside your body.

Irwin Ziment, M.D., a specialist and professor at the UCLA School for Medicine, says chicken soup contains drug-like agents similar to those in modern cold medicines. For example, an amino acid released from chicken during cooking chemically resembles the drug acetylcysteine, prescribed for bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

Tip: Add foods with natural anti-viral and antibiotic properties to your diet when you are sick. Two of these, onion and garlic, are perfect to add to your Chicken Soup.

GARLIC -- Laboratory studies have shown that garlic actually helps protect from flu viruses while boosting production of immune system antibodies. Preliminary studies showed that people who ate garlic for three weeks had enhanced immune system activity.

Vitality Home-Made Chicken Soup

Cut up 2-3 chicken breasts into small pieces.
Plac chicken in a large glass or ceramic pot*.
Add 3 quarts of Aqua Di Vita Vitality water.
Black Pepper (to taste)
Sea Salt (to taste)
10 cloves of fresh diced or pressed garlic
1 yellow onion, chopped
3 carrots, peeled and cut into slices
1-2 Bay Leaves
1 bell pepper
4 stalks of celery, chopped
Boil on medium heat until chicken is done, (approx. 1-1/2 hours)
Remove fat from the surface as it accumulates.
After the chicken is done, add a package of your favorite type of
noodle (if desired). Cook 10 to 15 minutes more or until noodles are done.

* When using Aqua Di Vita Water to cook or make tea, always use a non-metal pot and cooking utensils. We recommend this anyway, due to concerns regarding Teflon or other coatings used in the manufacturing of some cookware

For more information on Aqua Di Vita Water visit www.vitagenesis.com