Do people know what they are drinking?
Does the general public really know what is in their drinking water?
Even if contamination of the local water supply is published,
how many people do not hear about it or pay attention?
Sometimes what you don't know can hurt you.
Recently in Helena, Montana an article was published in the
local paper. Helena and the surrounding area has many old
mines. What most people may not realize is the environmental
impact these old mines can have on what comes out of their tap
or shower. They may not know what they are giving their kids,
their family, their pets..or know what they are cooking with.
Here is an excerpt from the article from the Independent
Record. This is referring to a mine called the Susie mine.
The mine was collapsed back in the 1950s for safety reasons,
and at that point the drain was installed to keep the water flowing.
"They didn't want the pressure to back up behind the plug and
lead to a blowout," said Mike Bishop, project manager for
the Environmental Protection Agency.
The Susie's drainage capabilities continue to this day, with
about 5 gallons per minute being discharged
from it. But the water is contaminated with heavy metals
including arsenic, cadmium, zinc and iron, which gives
it the bright orange tint as it flows into Tenmile
Creek —the main source of the city of Helena's
drinking water. Dozens of other former mines also drain
into the creek.

About four years ago, the EPA came up with a plan to clean up
about 70 of the 150 mines in the Tenmile drainage, with the
Susie being targeted as one of the top priorities.
See entire story here...
The EPA moves slow and once they act it is often after
the fact...already people or water is affected by the
new regulations or clean up.
Across the United States there are many other examples like
this going on. This reinforces the need for a pure, safe
alternative to the water provided by municipalities. Part of
our vision has to be to educate about water and what people
are drinking. Educate about how the type of water they drink
can affect their health and wellness.

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