What are we Drinking?
What are we Drinking?
As many people were growing up they would drink juice, milk or soft drinks. Now with a more health and wellness consciousness they often insist on a healthier choice--bottled water. Bottled water also contains no caffeine, no calories and no sugar.
Once, most Americans got their water only from the tap. Now, they are buying their water in a bottle in record numbers. In 2001, Americans drank a whopping 5 billion gallons, according to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), an industry trade group. That's about the same amount of water that falls from the American Falls at Niagara Falls in two hours.
Explosive growth in the industry makes industry experts predict that bottled water will be second only to soft drinks as America's beverage of choice.

Before grabbing the next bottle of water consumers should take a bit of time to find out what is in the bottle they are about to drink.
Generally, over the years, the FDA has adopted EPA standards for tap water as standards for bottled water. As a result, standards for contaminants in tap water and bottled water are very similar. Some bottled water also comes from municipal sources--in other words--the tap. Municipal water is usually treated before it is bottled.
Good advice -- look (and check out the source of your water) before you drink!
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