FAQ: Minerals in my Water?
We often get a question about whether it is important to have minerals in the water we drink. You may see other "waters" which add various minerals and make claims about the benefit of them.
The fact is pure water, like Aqua Di Vita, is the best way to provide your body it's most effective hydration.
A myth many people believe is that certain spring or mineral waters provide them with a good source for minerals.
Consider this two quotes from world-renowned sources.
The minerals which the human body needs that are in the water are insignificant to those in food… and anyone simply eating a varied diet, not even a balanced diet, could hardly suffer a mineral deficiency.
- American Medical Journal,
The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals. All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be eliminated.
-Dr. Charles Mayo of the Mayo Clinic.
The only thing that belongs in your water is water!
Get your minerals from your food by eating a proper diet, or if necessary you can supplement with a qualify mineral supplement. Minerals in water are insignificant is because they are in an inorganic state, whereas minerals in food are in an organic state.
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